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Capstone Project

My Capstone project seeks to broaden my skill set as an artist as well as contribute to a larger discussion of representation in the animation community. I plan to create three original cartoon characters that are also people of color. This project is intended to be largely visually based, rather than creating a larger story for this set. Each character will have a head shot, a full body profile, and a side profile to give the viewer a full understanding of what each character should look like. To accomplish this task, I will be using an iPad and an iPencil. I will be relying on my previous experience in drawing and painting, but because I have not attempted digital art in the past, I will be using a lot of trial and error methods as well as basic research to better understand the medium. 
This project will be geared towards those in the animation/cartooning community, but it can also be extended to anyone who has an interest in drawing. In online platforms like Instagram and Tumblr, there has been an increase in better representation in the digital drawings produced, however I still wish to add to this discussion. There are still not many artists of color who have a large platform to promote their work, but it is important for minorities to be heard online and in the media, as well as be seen physically. Representation can impact how POC see themselves, and how the larger society views them. By producing characters of color, by someone who is a part of a minority group, I am taking a step by adding to the representation online.

Capstone: Welcome
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